Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Troy's Bike Light- The "Stella"

My boyfriend Troy doesn't share my thrifty bike nature. He's practical, for sure and loves a good deal, but he also makes a lot of money and therefore can afford really nice bike toys. (I'm a mixture of UGLY jealousy! and being happy for him. :)

He decided that he wanted a bike light that could illuminate the road in front of him. It's getting dark at like 4:30 now and there are leaves piled up all over the place getting slippery and hiding branches in their piles of doom. So I don't blame him at all for wanting to shell out the money for a nice light. Hell, I wish I could.

He looked all over the internet and we eventually went to REI and looked at all their wares. They had a good selection and after shining lights all over the store and out the windows to the ground below, we found a winner.

The Light and Motion "Stella" light. Here's a link to a website that talks about this light WAY more intelligently than I could...

The Competitive Cyclist

If that link doesn't work, then cut and paste this address:


This one is shown in blue but Troy's is gold or silver, I think. Anyway, they're a bright LED with a battery pack and even though it's kinda dorky and big, it's also awesome and functional. It also straps to your helmet if you want.

I can't help myself... More Bike Bells!

Now I'm looking around and I'm finding all these adorable fun bike bells made by Dimension!

There's the "Bell Pepper" that comes in green, red, and yellow...


There's the little soccer ball with foot:

Dimension Bell Soccer Ball

There's the tea pot bell: what a weird idea for a bell... haha. Tea pots? At least they're cute...

Dimension Tea Pot Bell Silver Black Bicycle Bike

It's hamburger time!

Click for larger picture

Random head of a guy with a hat bell, always a favorite:

Click for larger picture

Sexy little analog clock bell which I might totally buy someday because that's a great idea and it's cute:

Click for larger picture

The Baseball Bell:

Well, that's all for now. But there are some crazy bells out there. Apparantly bells are the flair of the bike world. They are just so darn quirky!

Oh! Almost forgot! *Jester* bars and bike bells!

What I meant before about the Jester theme is that the bike now has two colors of tape on the handlebars. I just couldn't take the whole thing of glow in the dark bar tape off. I LOVED that idea!

So, I just took one side off. One side is white glowy, and the other is the black. It looks kinda cool actually. I'll post a pic eventually when I find my lost digi camera...lame.

Then, I found this bell at the City Bikes store located one block south of Burnside on Ankeny. They're a worker owned and operated store that has a lot of second hand bike stuff, repairs, and racks that you can fix your own bike on and get some good advice. This place is pretty rad.

City Bikes Workers Cooperative
Bicycle Repair 1914 SE Ankeny.503-239-0553

Bicycle Sales 734 SE Ankeny.503-239-6951

Open Weekdays 11-7 Weekends 11-5

ANYWAY, I bought a few things from them because I needed reflectors, a bell, and some brake components which I will get to in a later post. They had these cute little Taj Mahal looking bells with gold and black on them and I couldn't help myself. I had to have one. It's called the Dimension Beehive Bell for $6. Not bad.

Dimension BeeHive Handlebar Bell

What the EFF?!!!?? I was looking for a picture of my bike bell online and I ran across this little gem: Chrome Plated Bike Bell. Made with Genuine Swarovski Crystals.

Gold Bike Bell-Gold Bike Bell bling crystal swarovski

You can take this little bad girl home for $68 bucks. (Uh, not my style but there's SOMEONE out there that wants it.)

Or if you're like me and from Portland, you can have this oh-so-appropriate coffee cup bell. Dimension Coffee Cup Java Mug Bell Bicycle Bike that sells for $4.99 on Amazon.com

Dimension Coffee Cup Java Mug Bell Bicycle Bike

Next on the Goldie blog: "The Saga of Getting the Fenders On" and "The Eternal Sunshine of the Brakeless Mind"

Theme change!

Okay, so I had the original idea to keep Goldie's color theme white/gold/a little black/ MOSTLY pure white as the driven snow. People at bike stores laughed at me and shook their heads in bemusement and my friends all thought I was turning into a fascist bike snob.

I am NOT, you guys! I don't even own a messenger bag! (yet... heh heh)

I decided to change the theme to black/gold/a little white here and there/JESTER! Haha! Goldie is looking a little mockish right now.

What I mean is that when I changed it to black (thanks to the tiny amount on fenders sold at REI that fit my bike) That made any white details look weird. So, I got some new grip tape from the REI brand Novara, which added up to only $9. Nice.

Here are the grip tapes that I bought. What I like about them was the fact that they don't have adhesive tape on the backs to stick to the bar, they have a thin layer of gel. So, they can be reused without falling apart and getting ripped up when you take them off. Cool! (mine are black with little brown flecks in them, they came with black end plugs.

novara handgrip tape  : Novara Gel Handlebar Tape

Here are the fenders: SKS brand. Only mine are in a different color. Mine are a dark cloudy grey with hardly there stripes down the back. Only $32 bucks. Sweet.

SKS P35 Fender Set

It also had to do with the fact that all the ladies seats with the cut outs had price tags that made my toes curl. I just couldn't afford to buy that super spendy seat. So, I started looking lower down the $$$ levels. What I found was that the lower the price, the harder it was to find a seat in white that was also girl friendly.

So, I ended up with this seat that cost $44 and has been working alright. I haven't given it a good hard ride yet, so we'll see. But thanks to me being a member at REI, I can return the seat at any time. AWESOME! It's the Look In ATH Bike Saddle for Women at a 30 degree angle. (They have choices in this apparantly...)

Lookin ATH Bike Saddle - Women's

Made for road or mountain bike riders, the A1 3Density™ saddle enhances padding in the front of the saddle.

  • Features more Royalgel™ in the front to accommodate a bent over, athletic riding position
  • Royalgel adapts to your anatomy by moving vertically, horizontally and diagonally in order to reduce pressure peaks on the sit bones and genital area
  • Royalgel also absorbs shock for further comfort; does not break, harden or leak with age
  • 3Density saddles are padded with three layers of material with different densities and visco-elastic properties
  • This allows the Royalgel more space to move and distribute pressure uniformly, increasing its shock absorbency
  • Innovative saddle cover fabric keeps saddle cool in the sun
Anyway, it gets her done and doesn't make me go broke. Good enough. I'm sad that I can't afford my original dream of my sexy little white and gold bike. Oh well, she'll look good in black too.