Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Troy's Bike Light- The "Stella"

My boyfriend Troy doesn't share my thrifty bike nature. He's practical, for sure and loves a good deal, but he also makes a lot of money and therefore can afford really nice bike toys. (I'm a mixture of UGLY jealousy! and being happy for him. :)

He decided that he wanted a bike light that could illuminate the road in front of him. It's getting dark at like 4:30 now and there are leaves piled up all over the place getting slippery and hiding branches in their piles of doom. So I don't blame him at all for wanting to shell out the money for a nice light. Hell, I wish I could.

He looked all over the internet and we eventually went to REI and looked at all their wares. They had a good selection and after shining lights all over the store and out the windows to the ground below, we found a winner.

The Light and Motion "Stella" light. Here's a link to a website that talks about this light WAY more intelligently than I could...

The Competitive Cyclist

If that link doesn't work, then cut and paste this address:


This one is shown in blue but Troy's is gold or silver, I think. Anyway, they're a bright LED with a battery pack and even though it's kinda dorky and big, it's also awesome and functional. It also straps to your helmet if you want.

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